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Canopy tree mortality and crown exposure data from the Amacayacu Forest Dynamics Plot, Northwestern Amazon

Author(s): Gómez-Correa L; Duque A; Castaño N; Haarpaintner J; Enßle F; Jaramillo-Hernández C; Zuleta D

Dataset Information


Site Name: Amacayacu National Natural Park

Variables: Other

Date Range: Oct. 1, 2013 - July 31, 2019

Description: Data on the mortality of 984 canopy trees, their crown exposure to light (relative to total crown area), growth deviations (relative to conspecifics), tree size, and species’ wood density collected between 2013 and 2019 in 18 ha of the Amacayacu Forest Dynamics Plot, Northwestern Amazon. This dataset contains a single CSV data file. Variable definitions: 1. Species: [character] species identification 2. Family: [character] family of the species 3. tag: [character] unique consecutive for the tree 4. status: [character] status of the tree in the third census (ALIVE or DEAD) 5. wsg: [numeric]: species’ wood density (g cm-3) 6. growth_r1: [numeric]: annual growth rate of the tree between the first and second census (cm y-1) 7. growth_r2: [numeric]: annual growth rate of the tree between the second and third census (cm y-1) 8. gt1: [numeric] modulus transformed growth rate with a lambda of 0.4 for the annual growth rate of the tree between the first and second census (cm y-1) 9. gt2: [numeric]: modulus transformed growth rate with a lambda of 0.4 for the annual growth rate of the tree between the second and third census (cm y-1) 10. rgr1: [numeric] relative growth rate between the first and second census (cm y-1) 11. rgr2: [numeric] relative growth rate between the second and third census (cm y-1) 12. sa_gt: [numeric] species-adjusted modulus transformed growth rate 13. sa_rgr: [numeric] species-adjusted relative growth rate 14. gr_n: [numeric] number of individuals of the species used to calculate the mean and species modulus transformed growth rate 15. dbh_flight: [numeric] diameter at breast height (1.3 m) estimated at the time of the drone flight (cm) 16. eca: [numeric] exposed crown area calculated as the area of the crown polygon delineated in the orthomosaic (m2) 17. total_ca: [numeric] total crown area estimated from a crown area model (m2) 18. rcel: [numeric] relative crown exposure to light (m2) 19. time_flight_census3: [numeric] time in years from the drone flight date to the third census for that tree (yr)


Methods Description: See reference for detailed methods.

Access Level: Public

Originating Institution(s): Universidad Nacional de Colombia Medellín, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute

Sponsor Organization(s): MinCiencias, Forest Global Earth Observatory

Contact: Zuleta, Daniel - Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute ([email protected])

Data Download

Version: 1.0

Dataset Citation: Gómez-Correa L; Duque A; Castaño N; Haarpaintner J; Enßle F; Jaramillo-Hernández C; Zuleta D (2023): Canopy tree mortality and crown exposure data from the Amacayacu Forest Dynamics Plot, Northwestern Amazon. 1.0. NGEE Tropics Data Collection. (dataset).

Acknowledgement: LFG-C and CMJ-H were supported by MinCiencias “Convocatoria 891 2020”. Ground-based data collection was supported by the ForestGEO of the Smithsonian Institution. The NIR images were collected during the 9th Regional SilvaCarbon/GFOI Workshop on Forest Monitoring. This dataset was possible thanks to the commitment of Dr. Dairon Cárdenas (1957–2022), E. Martínez, S. Sua, A. Barona, and coworkers from the Palmeras Indigenous Community as well as the administrative crew at SINCHI and Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia. We thank M. Gutiérrez, S. Múnera, and hundreds of technicians and students of forest engineering at Universidad Nacional de Colombia that have worked on data collection and cleaning.

Data Link: Download Dataset

NGEE Tropics data policy.


Gómez-Correa, L. F. et al. Canopy tree mortality depends on the proportion of crown exposed to sunlight, but this effect varies with species’ wood density. Biotropica 55, 1136–1147 (2023).