Site ID:
Site Name:
Bosque Protector San Lorenzo (Fort Sherman)
Leaf water potential
Date Range:
Jan. 15, 2020
March 13, 2020
This data package contains predawn leaf water potential (LWP) data for leaves sampled in the San Lorenzo forest canopy crane site in Panama (PA-SLZ) from January to March 2020. Data were collected from 31 species, from top of canopy and vertical profiles within the canopy. All data and metadata are presented in .csv files. The protocol details are provided as *.pdf. See related data packages from the BNL 2020 field campaign for leaf optical properties and gas exchange measurements. Sample information including canopy elevation and leaf area index (LAI) can be found in the related “Leaf and canopy traits” data package.
Full QA-QC
Methods Description:
Canopy branches were cut predawn and subsequently recut under water to prevent embolism of the xylem. A leaf from each branch was then removed at the base of the petiole and transferred to a humid plastic bag for temporary storage (no more than 40 min). Leaf water potential was measured following standard practices for a Scholander type pressure chamber. Data are of branch level leaf water potential and can be matched to the appropriate species and branch by comparing the sample ID to the corresponding ID in the metadata package.QA/QC was undertaken to ensure that sample IDs have correct format and are unique, species codes are valid, leaf water potential (LWP) data in the correct units and within reasonable range, and samples are cross referenced against those in related data sets. See also included protocol document.
Access Level:
Originating Institution(s):
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Sponsor Organization(s):
Rogers, Alistair - Brookhaven National Laboratory ([email protected] )
Dataset Citation:
Davidson K; Lamour J; Ely K; Anderson J; Rogers A; Serbin S (2022): Pre-dawn leaf water potential, San Lorenzo, Panama, 2020. 1.0. NGEE Tropics Data Collection. (dataset).
This research was supported as part of NGEE-Tropics, funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Biological and Environmental Research under contract no. DE-SC0012704.
Data Link: Download Dataset
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