High density photosynthetic CO2 response curves of hybrid poplar, New York, USA, 2019
Anderson J; Ely K; Rogers A
Dataset Information
Site ID:
Site Name:
Laboratory Based Experiment
Leaf gas exchange
Date Range:
Aug. 19, 2019
Aug. 20, 2019
This data package contains photosynthetic CO2 response (ACi) curves of sunlit canopy leaves of species Populus deltoides Bartr. x Populus nigra L. (hybrid poplar) grown in pots at Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York, USA, throughout 2019. Attached leaves were measured using a Li-Cor 6800 gas exchange instrument. This data was collected in support of Walker et al (2020), Multi-hypothesis analysis of Farquhar and Collatz photosynthesis models reveals unexpected influence of empirical assumptions. Global Change Biology. In Press. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.15366. The files included in this data package are in .csv format, and include two data files and three metadata files.
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Originating Institution(s):
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Sponsor Organization(s):
Rogers, Alistair - Brookhaven National Laboratory ([email protected] )
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Dataset Citation:
Anderson J; Ely K; Rogers A (2020): High density photosynthetic CO2 response curves of hybrid poplar, New York, USA, 2019. 1.0. NGEE Tropics Data Collection. (dataset). doi.org/10.15486/ngt/1674983
This research was supported as part of NGEE-Tropics, funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Biological and Environmental Research under contract no. DE-SC0012704.
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Walker et al (2020), Multi-hypothesis analysis of Farquhar and Collatz photosynthesis models reveals unexpected influence of empirical assumptions. Global Change Biology. In Press. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.15366