Site ID:
Site Name:
Parque Natural Metropolitano
Wind speed/direction
Date Range:
Jan. 1, 2008
Dec. 31, 2019
This data package contains wind speed data retrieved from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Center for Environmental Information (NCEI). Measurements were collected at the Marcos A. Gilbert airport in Panama City, Panama. This station can be considered as an analogue to the NGEE Tropics Parque Natural Metropolitano site in Panama. In the attached Excel file, wind speed units have been converted from MPH to m/s (1MPH = 0.447 m/s). Data from NCEI can be accessed at:, STATION NAME: MARCOS A GELABERT (Airport in Panama City).
Within the attached zip file are three .csv data files, three PDF files containing an explanation of gap filling procedures and site information, and a text file with metadata and instructions for accessing data from NCEI.
Full QA-QC
Methods Description:
QA/QC of the WS dataset included detecting and removal of duplicated timestamps, fixing unequal time intervals, and using the univariate gapfilling methods: Kalman filter, moving average, approximation, and forecasting, using the R libraries imputeTS, zoo, and forecast. See the PDF file "Gap_filling_WS_AirportData_2008-2019_summary" within attached zip file for more information.
Access Level:
Originating Institution(s):
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Sponsor Organization(s):
Powell, Thomas - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (