Site ID:
Site Name:
Bosque Protector San Lorenzo (Fort Sherman)
Demography; Remote sensing
Date Range:
Feb. 19, 2018
Feb. 22, 2018
Canopy reflectance spectra of 37 trees were measured at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) San Lorenzo Protected Area site (PA-SLZ), utilising the canopy access crane to access fully sunlit leaves. Data were recorded in the middle of the day, with 20–50 measurements for each tree. The canopy structure for each crown was captured using a digital camera. Leaf-level reflectance and leaf demographic composition (age class) was recorded in detail for a > 0.5 meter branch sampled from each canopy tree (corresponding to the position where canopy spectra were measured). This dataset includes processed canopy and leaf-level spectral measurements (*.xlsx), raw spectral data (Spectral Evolution PSR+, *.raw, *.sed), sample details (*.xlsx) and *.pdf summaries containing low resolution photographs of the measured canopies.
Provisional QA-QC
Methods Description:
Spectra were measured using a full range (350-2500 nm) Spectral Evolution PSR+ spectroradiometer, using a 4° lens for canopy measurements, and a leaf clip attachment for leaf reflectance measurements. Data were recorded between 10 am and 2 pm, with 20–50 measurements for each of 37 trees. The canopy structure for each crown was captured with imagery from a compact digital camera. Leaf-level reflectance and leaf demographic composition (age class) was recorded in detail for a > 0.5 meter branch sampled from each canopy tree (corresponding to the position where canopy spectra were measured). Note that spectral data processing is preliminary, and users are advised to re-process from the supplied raw data.
Access Level:
Originating Institution(s):
Brookhaven National Laboratory; Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
Sponsor Organization(s):
Serbin, Shawn - Brookhaven National Laboratory ([email protected] )
Dataset Citation:
Wu J; Wolfe B; Serbin S; Ely K (2022): Leaf-to-canopy spectral reflectance, February 2018, PA-SLZ: Panama. 1.0. NGEE Tropics Data Collection. (dataset).
This research was supported as part of NGEE-Tropics, funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Biological and Environmental Research under contract no. DE-SC0012704. The authors would like to acknowledge Osvaldo Calderón ([email protected] ) of STRI for assistance with species identification.
Data Link: Download Dataset
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