Author(s): Dickman T; Ely K; Rogers A; Serbin S; Wu J; Wolfe B; Collins A; Detto M; Grossiord C; McDowell N; Michaletz S
Site Name: Barro Colorado Island (BCI); Parque Natural Metropolitano; Bosque Protector San Lorenzo (Fort Sherman)
Variables: Non structural carbohydrates (NSC)
Date Range: Feb. 13, 2016 - May 24, 2016
Description: Results from Non-Structural Carbohydrate analysis of leaf and branch samples are provided in 2016ENSO_Panama_NSC.xlsx. The metadata files (Metadata_description_2016_ENSO_Panama.docx, File_Submission_Metadata_v1_2016ENSO_Panama_NSC.xlsx), field log (E-Field_Log_2016ENSO_Panama.xlsx), and protocols (ENSO NSC field protocol.pdf, Tropics NSC Assay protocol.pdf) contain additional information. Contact for additional information. VERSION 2 update. The identification of a species from the PNM site has been corrected as follows: the identification of the tree initially identified as Pseudosamanea guachapele (ALBIED) has been revised to Albizia adinocephala (ALBIAD). The updated data package includes revised data, metadata and protocol documents updated to reflect this change.
Methods Description: Assay results for known standards and sample replicates were used to validate sample results. Sample data were excluded if known standards and replicates fell outside the acceptable range. See Tropics NSC Assay protocol.pdf for additional information.
Access Level: Public
Originating Institution(s): Los Alamos National Laboratory
Sponsor Organization(s): None
Contact: Dickman, Turin - Los Alamos National Laboratory (
Version: 2
Dataset Citation: Dickman T; Ely K; Rogers A; Serbin S; Wu J; Wolfe B; Collins A; Detto M; Grossiord C; McDowell N; Michaletz S (2022): 2016 Panama ENSO Non-Structural Carbohydrates (NSC), Feb2016-May2016, PA-SLZ, PA-PNM, PA-BCI. 2. NGEE Tropics Data Collection. (dataset).
Acknowledgement: Funding for NGEE-Tropics data resources was provided by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science, Office of Biological and Environmental Research.
Data Link: Download Dataset
Dickman et al, 2019. Homeostatic maintenance of non-structural carbohydrates during the 2015-2016 El NiƱo drought across a tropical forest precipitation gradientJournal: Plant, Cell & Environment, DOI: 10.1111/pce.13501