Site ID:
Site Name:
Bosque Protector San Lorenzo (Fort Sherman)
Remote sensing
Date Range:
Feb. 22, 2017
Feb. 22, 2017
This dataset contains canopy spectra measurements of sunlit canopy of Guarea kunthiana, Brosimum utile, Terminalia amazonia (TERMAM), Vochysia ferruginea (VOCHFE), Miconia borealis (MICOBO) and Guatteria dumetorum (GUATDU) species from the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) canopy crane site in the San Lorenzo National Park, Republic of Panama (PA-SLZ: Bosque Protector San Lorenzo). Canopy spectra were measured at 1:20 – 2 pm on 22 February 2017, using a Spectra Vista Corp (SVC) spectroradiometer. This data package includes the raw SVC data (*.sig), processed data of individual spectra, and processed spectra averaged over the canopy of each of the six trees measured (*.csv). The package also includes photographs of the canopy spectral targets (*.jpg), metadata files in Excel and PDF file formats, and the instrument manual (*.pdf). This data was collected as part of the 2017 Brookhaven National Laboratory – Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute leaf traits by age campaign.
Full QA-QC
Methods Description:
Remove bad measurements, correct overlap between detectors, apply white plate correction, followed by spectral averaging.
Access Level:
Originating Institution(s):
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Sponsor Organization(s):
Serbin, Shawn - Brookhaven National Laboratory ([email protected] )
Dataset Citation:
Serbin S; Wu J; Ely K (2022): Canopy spectra, Feb2017, PA-SLZ: Panama. 1.0. NGEE Tropics Data Collection. (dataset).
This research was supported as part of NGEE-Tropics, funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Biological and Environmental Research under contract no. DE-SC0012704.
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