Site ID:
Site Name:
Barro Colorado Island (BCI)
Air Temperature; Barometric pressure; Precipitation (rainfall); Relative humidity; Shortwave radiation; Wind speed/direction
Date Range:
Jan. 1, 2003
Dec. 31, 2016
Time series raw datasets of Temperature, Solar Radiation, Relative Humidity, Rainfall, Barometric Pressure, Wind Speed, and Wind Direction for the Barro Colorado (PA-BCI) site for the period from 2003-01-01 to 2016-12-31 were downloaded from the STRI website. The QA/QC protocol of raw datasets included the detection and removal of NAs, outliers and bad data points, imputation of missing data, and creation of the time series with equidistant time stamps. The time series for different meteorological parameters were aligned into a single database to be used for modeling. Statistical QA/QC analysis was performed using a series of R libraries in Rstudio. The changes in the dataset were flagged. The file BCI_met_drivers_2003-2016_QAQC_summary_report.docx provides the details of the QA/QC data analysis.
Full QA-QC
Methods Description:
1-hour time interval. Time stamps are in both the local time and UTC. QA/QC methods and flagging are described in the Word file.
Access Level:
Originating Institution(s):
Sponsor Organization(s):
Faybishenko, Boris - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (