Author(s): Cabugao K; Timm C; Carrell A; Childs J; Lu T; Pelletier D; Weston D; Norby R
Site Name: El Verde Ridge; El Verde Valley; Icacos
Variables: Other; Root data; Soil properties - Other
Date Range: Aug. 15, 2015 - Dec. 15, 2015
Description: Raw data of resin P values, root phosphatase, bacterial community 16S rRNA gene sequences, and bacterial isolate phosphatase and P solubilization in Rio Icacos, El Verde Ridge and El Verde Valley. Contact if you need to use this dataset for additional information.
Methods Description: Data has been used in the publication:
Access Level: Public
Originating Institution(s): Oak Ridge National Research Laboratory
Sponsor Organization(s): None
Contact: Cabugao, Kristine - Oak Ridge National Laboratory (
Version: 1.0
Dataset Citation: Cabugao K; Timm C; Carrell A; Childs J; Lu T; Pelletier D; Weston D; Norby R (2018): El Verde Ridge, El Verde Valley, and Rio Icacos root phosphatase and bacterial community composition (December 2015). 1.0. NGEE Tropics Data Collection. (dataset).
Acknowledgement: Funding for NGEE-Tropics data resources was provided by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science, Office of Biological and Environmental Research
Data Link: Download Dataset
Cabugao KG, Timm CM, Carrell AA, Childs J, Lu T-YS, Pelletier DA, Weston DJ and Norby RJ (2017) Root and Rhizosphere Bacterial Phosphatase Activity Varies with Tree Species and Soil Phosphorus Availability in Puerto Rico Tropical Forest. Front. Plant Sci. 8:1834. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.01834