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Sapflow dataset (Version 2), July 2014-July2016, CR-SoC: Soltis Center

Author(s): Aparecido L; Moore G

Dataset Information

Site ID: CR-SoC

Site Name: Soltis Center

Variables: Dendrometry; Sapflow; Sapwood Area

Date Range: July 7, 2014 - July 31, 2016

Description: Raw mV output from the data logger (organized per tree), processed sapflow measurements (processed through Matlab) and daily total transpiration (estimated from sapwood area using Microsoft Office Excel) from 26 trees (43 sensors) are provided in the following .xlsx files: (CR_SoC_SAP_PROC_Sagui_version2_20160731; CR_SoC_SAP_PROC_mV_Sagui_20160731; CR_SoC_SAP_PROC_Transpiration_version2_20160731). An additional file describes the stand characteristics from all 151 trees (CR_SoC_SAP_PROC_Sapwood_DiamHeight_version2_20140701), which includes the following variables: canopy position (header named as "category"), diameter at breast height (DBH_cm), basal area (Basal Area_m2), sapwood area (Sapwood Area_m2), tree height (Height_m), tree number (Sapflow_Tree_Number) and species for each tree equipped with sapflow sensors. To summarize only the sampled sapflow trees, an additional file is being added that includes the same information as the previously cited file for only those 26 trees (CR_SoC_SAP_PROC_Sampled_Trees_20140701). Files that have "version2" included in their title are updated versions of the previously uploaded files. Updates include three additional months of the sapflow measurements and the species names. The methods description files are also repeated (not altered) in this dataset (CR_SoC_SAP_Version2.7z). Contact [email protected] for additional information.

QA/QC: None

Methods Description: Matlab program with filter codes for the sap flow data processing. The script assumes that over 20 kg m-2 10min-1 of sap flux rates was abnormal for the site. Data were manually altered when needed (e.g. when sensors failed and had to be replaced/or when power was out leading to time gaps, which were filled when possible. Other files were processed through Microsoft Office Excel.

Access Level: NGEE Tropics

Originating Institution(s): Texas A&M University

Sponsor Organization(s): None

Contact: Aparecido, Luiza - Texas A&M University ([email protected])

Data Download

Version: 1.0

Dataset Citation: Citation information not available currently. Contact dataset author(s) for citation or acknowledgement text.

Acknowledgement: None

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