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Meteorological drivers, PA-BCI site, 2008-2014, QA/QC provisional data

Author(s): Paton S; Faybishenko B; Powell T; Varadharajan C; Pastorello G; Christianson D; Agarwal D

Dataset Information


Site Name: Barro Colorado Island (BCI)

Variables: Air Temperature; Barometric pressure; Other; Precipitation (rainfall); Relative humidity; Solar Radiation; Wind speed/direction

Date Range: Jan. 1, 2008 - Dec. 31, 2014

Description: The dataset includes QA/QC-ed meteorological drivers for Barro Colorado Island, Panama (PA-BCI). The variables include Solar radiation, Temperature, Rainfall, Relative Humidity, Wind speed and wind direction, Barometric pressure, Runoff, and Evapotranspiration. The QA/QC process included identification, removal, and flagging of outliers; gapfilling, as well preparation of the input data file for modeling with specified time stamps [aligning of all meteorological records to the same time stamps, with 30-mins time intervals, and time expressed in the local (Eastern time) and UTC time]. The original data for this were provided by STRI (see Dataset Reference). This work derived from the STRI dataset is a modified version and not the original data and/or documentation distributed by STRI.

QA/QC: Provisional QA-QC

Methods Description: Outliers removal; Gapfilling using Singular Spectrum Analysis; Aggregation of time series records to 30 mins intervals.

Access Level: NGEE Tropics

Originating Institution(s): LBNL

Sponsor Organization(s): None

Contact: Faybishenko, Boris - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory ([email protected])

Data Download

Version: 1.0

Dataset Citation: Citation information not available currently. Contact dataset author(s) for citation or acknowledgement text.

Acknowledgement: Funding for NGEE-Tropics data resources was provided by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science, Office of Biological and Environmental Research. The raw data was provided by the Physical Monitoring Program of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute.

This dataset is only viewable for the NGEE Tropics Team. If you are a member of the NGEE Tropics team, login to to get access to the data.


The original dataset was downloaded from the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Website at