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PR-Sabana Meteorological Data 01-2015 to 09-2016

Author(s): González G

Dataset Information

Site ID: PR-Sab

Site Name: Sabana

Variables: Air Temperature; Longwave radiation; Precipitation (rainfall); Relative humidity; Shortwave radiation; Wind speed/direction

Date Range: Jan. 5, 2015 - Sept. 21, 2016

Description: Data are from a 2 m tall meteorological tower located at the USDA Forest Service's Sabana Field Research Station outside Luquillo, Puerto Rico.The tower is in an open area near buildings and a parking lot. The forest surrounds this small clearing, and is about 25 m away from the tower. Data were supplied by Grizelle Gonzalez ([email protected]) to Jeff Warren ([email protected]) on September 29th, 2016. Data are from the USDA Forest Service Sabana Research Station - main research contact is Tana Wood ([email protected]). Data are hourly, beginning 01/05/2015. Data include Rain, Air T, RH, PAR and total solar radiation

QA/QC: None

Methods Description: NONE

Access Level: NGEE Tropics

Originating Institution(s): USDA Forest Service

Sponsor Organization(s): USDA

Contact: Wood, Tana - United States Forest Service ([email protected])

Data Download

Version: 1.0

Dataset Citation: Citation information not available currently. Contact dataset author(s) for citation or acknowledgement text.

Acknowledgement: None

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