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Leaf surface temperature and sapflow raw data, 11 March 2016 - 13 June 2016, Santarem Brazil, Km67 tower

Author(s): Jardine K; Gimenez B; Campos K; Saleska S; Higuchi N; Chambers J

Dataset Information

Site ID: BR-Sa1

Site Name: Santarem - K67

Variables: Leaf temperature; Sapflow

Date Range: March 11, 2016 - June 13, 2016

Description: This data package contains raw, unprocessed leaf surface temperature data for five trees and sap velocity data for four trees near the Km67 flux tower in Santarem, Brazil. Data was collected over the course of three months. Datalogger output from sapflow ICT sensors was translated using ICT software and is included in the attached zip file. Raw data is in .csv and .xls formats. Leaf surface temperature sensor photos, sensor manual PDFs, and three file-level metadata excel files are also included in the attached file.

QA/QC: None

Methods Description: None

Access Level: Public

Originating Institution(s): Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)

Sponsor Organization(s): None

Contact: Jardine, Kolby - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory ([email protected])

Data Download

Version: 1.0

Dataset Citation: Jardine K; Gimenez B; Campos K; Saleska S; Higuchi N; Chambers J (2019): Leaf surface temperature and sapflow raw data, 11 March 2016 - 13 June 2016, Santarem Brazil, Km67 tower. 1.0. NGEE Tropics Data Collection. (dataset).

Acknowledgement: U.S. DOE, Office of Science, Office of Biological and Environmental Research

Data Link: Download Dataset

NGEE Tropics data policy.


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